Monday, November 15, 2010


It has been far too long since I have written. Much has happened over the past couple of months and now the holidays are quickly approaching. The air is crisp and cool. The trees are mostly barren with a few leaves clinging on. I awake to frost on the ground. Yes, it is fall. Yes, it is November. And yes, it is time for change.

As I think of fall and all its splendor. I am reminded of the acorn. The acorns that fall from the large oaks. So small but so important. Food, shelter, life. Majestic in its presence. As I ponder the acorn and think about how something so small, so plain, so overlooked could grow into something so precious I am once again amazed at the glory of the Lord. Like the acorn often I feel so small, so plain, so insignificant but then I remember what the word of God says. God does not see his people as small, plain, insignificant or overlooked. The Lord God knew each of us before we were knit together in our mother's wombs. He knows the number of hairs on our head. He knows the intimate details of our lives. He knows our coming and going, he knows when we lay and when we wake. If we take a moment to reflect on how God sees things...our perspective is renewed. In Isaiah 61, the word of God tells us; "They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor." The creator of the universe, the giver of life, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega....he calls us righteous and we are for the display of His splendor. God's hand is upon those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. He gave his only son for he so loved the world (John 3:16). Remember to call upon the Lord as his servant David, be in relationship with the Lord, confess your sins and pour out your heart.

As we approach Thanksgiving. Be joyful. Be thankful! The Lord God, loves you. He wants you to draw near to Him. Be thankful for the good and bad. You are not alone and no matter what you are facing today, you can draw your strength from the Lord God. He is our rock and our foundation. God is calling his church to repentance and dependence. We are His bride and he is coming to take us home.

As I finish this post today, I want to encourage you to spend time in the word of God, to pray, to reflect and to be secure in Christ Jesus. Remember the little acorn. Look at what God turned it Oak of Righteousness, a planting for the display of His splendor. Read Isaiah 61 the Lord God has a message for his people...he has anointed you to preach the good news...that is Jesus Christ. Amen!